Upcoming PowerDOE Training Events  (last update: 2/11/00)
Dates & Locations Sponsors Contact
None of the currently scheduled training events are open to the public
Registration Cost

Contact each sponsor for complete details, including registration procedures.

Future PowerDOE training events ...

Did you know ...  most PowerDOE training events are NOT advertised on this page! Why? ... because most PowerDOE training events are sponsored by local organizations such as utilities, state energy offices, or universities and community colleges.  The sponsorship of these types of organization helps keep the training costs low, in fact, well below market rates for technical computer-based training.  However, these local sponsors generally prefer to market "their" PowerDOE training classes directly to their local professional community. After the local professionals have had a chance to respond, if space remains available, a local sponsor often permits others from outside the local area to attend. Unfortunately, these types of opportunities leave little or no time for public notice (e.g., on this web site). Feel free to contact Marlin Addison via e-mail to inquire about these not-open-to-the-public training events that may have room for your participation. Also, if you feel that there may be sufficient local interest in your area to hold a PowerDOE training event, contact Marlin by e-mail. This is in fact how most of the local events get organized!

For further training information or assistance, contact Marlin Addison.

Thank you for showing interest in PowerDOE!

Send mail to Scott.Criswell@DOE2.com with questions or comments about this web site.
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